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Build the startup the future needs from you
Startup University:
Academy and Creation Programme
The Startup University's programmes are designed to build the startups of the future. They are for everyone who wants to work in a startup, whether as a founder, co-founder, team member; and of course for early-stage startups focussed on prototyping and validating their business concept and forming the cofounding team.
These startups are:
- Living Organisations
We are working in systems designed for production lines; with line managers and workers. This used to be a good way of designing organisations. Now we need living, adaptive organisations that move at the speed of change because they are self-organising, with fluid hierarchies led by the best person in that moment to do that job. Living organisations are antifragile, adapting to changing opportunities and shocks. This means harnessing conflict as hard data on where to grow next.
- Regenerative Business Ecosystems
In a regenerative economy, business generates a healthy profit so that it can regenerate better; and because it regenerates nature, society, and each individual working in the business grows as a person. A regenerative economy includes profitably everything in a circular economy, triple bottom line, impact, etc. Companies with strong environmental, social, and governance norms recorded higher performance and credit ratings through five factors: top-line growth, lower costs, fewer legal and regulatory interventions, higher productivity, and optimized investment and asset utilization.
FairShares Commons
Regenerative Organisations
The foundations of FairShares Commons
The incorporation is the foundation for any viable regenerative or circular economy, because it can build connected ecosystems based on economic models, not just disconnected portfolios of multiple business models. Integrity of purpose and principles, and benefit for all, are hardwired in, because all stakeholders govern and benefit from success, not just the investors. A FairShares Commons is required to get to Level 5 in the organisation and human axes as well.
In a FairShares Commons company, all stakeholders share the power to govern the company and the wealth generated. So all stakeholders work together to find a way of meeting all needs, including those of society and the planet. Add in freedom from any concept of property, where the company and its people cannot be bought or sold, and insure that stakeholders are stewards of the company in the interests of future generations, and you get a FairShares Commons.
Startup University Programme
Life/Human centred designThe foundation of the core programme, the startup team develops and validates an all-capitals, all-stakeholders business model canvas, which then becomes the basis for designing the company to multiply all capitals, not just financial capital. This takes the startup through to having a business model validated with all of the stakeholders involved, and all of the capitals that the regenerative business touches, not just financial validation.
This process takes at least three months, where participants complete 2 to 3 design sprints, developing hypotheses and testing them.
In parallel, the startup team lays the foundations for ongoing operations.
Organisation designStartup teams will become proficient in using the latest approaches to working together, including consent / integrative decision-making, functional versus management accountability hierarchies, and agile, delegated, fluid roles. The basis is Sociocracy and Holacracy.
Participants, in facilitated workshops, will have proficiency in reaching rapid, efficient decisions that take into account all understanding from everyone in the team; in how to structure organisations as functional, human accountability hierarchies, So that the startups working processes can change faster than their changing business environment demands. This minimises the risk of startup failure caused by slow reactions, and information on opportunities and risks not reaching decision-makers in time. Companies using these processes consistently outperform their peers (e.g. Zappos, CCA Global Partners).
Human interaction processesThis is an intense, transformational process of self and team development. Participants, in facilitates workshops, as well as access to our online on demand micro-learning modules, develop proficiency in the Adaptive Way practices. In particular using nonviolent communication, Kegan’s Immunity to Change, and the systems thinking elements of the 28 post logical thought forms. Each workshop is partly with all the participants together, and mainly in small groups of 2 to 4 participants. The participants get intense guidance from the facilitator in how to use the adaptive way processes, based on current best practice for peer-to-peer coaching, in order to be well equipped when conflict emerges in their startups to be able to use these processes to transform conflict into strength and growth. Even if a startup or individual only progresses to the end of this phase, but does not incorporate, they will have gained skills they will use for the rest of their life, and in every company they work in in the future.
These human interactivity processes are designed to minimise the risk of human energy being wasted on internal friction, so that all the available energy goes into delivering regenerative business results. Companies using these processes are becoming recognised as consistently outperforming their peers (e.g. Bridgwater).
IncorporationThe all stakeholders business model canvas is the design brief for designing the most appropriate incorporation. The startup team has, by the end of the core University programme, understood and experienced the benefits of the different levels of incorporation, decided which level is best for them, and has incorporated. Most will choose the Level 5 FairShares Commons, some may choose a Level 3 (e.g. Multistakeholder cooperative) or Level 2 (cooperative).
Key outcomes
What you'll accomplish
Since solo entrepreneurs and teams come into the Evoluter University at different points in the early stages, the bar for completing the programme will vary per individual. At the very least, each person completes the programme with the following:
1. Validated Business Model
2. Well-Formed Corporation
3. Network of Experienced Entrepreneurs, Investors and Mentors
4. Significant Startup Progress
5. Progress on Human Interaction Processes
6. How to orgranise yourself and your company fit for the future of work
7. Have a clear understanding of what it takes to shift to a stakeholder economy
8. Investment ready Pitch Deck
9. Clear & Actionable Next Steps for Growth
By the end of the University's core programme, you will have incorporated as a FairShares Commons company with the most powerful approaches available to deliver top level regenerative business results and each person growing themselves as human beings.
What's next
Upon completion of the University's core programme, the Evoluter Accelerator begins after the startup has incorporated, validated its business plan, and is investment ready. Ideally the startup has investment already, or has at least sufficient runway to close the first investment round. The accelerator phase typically lasts six months, until the startup is running stably and ready to become a full member of the ecosystem of regenerative startups.
The Evolutesix Startup University is for you if:
- You are committed to building a successful business that regenerates the planet and society, delivers healthy profit, self-development, and uses the best regenerative approach to incorporating and running a business, as laid out in our coursebook Rebuild: the Economy, Leadership, and You.
- You are driven by creating a thriving company that regenerates all the capitals it touches, and becomes part of an ecosystem, not just making a quick buck through a quick exit.
- You embrace working in a startup as a challenge you will grow from.
- *Application
Scholarships: We have needs-based support for a few.
Payment plans available on request.
Team discounts.
Get in touch if that's you and want to join!
Are you an established business and would like to train your staff?
Contact us for VAT invoices, group discounts, and for in-house courses.
Evolutesix startup creation Leads
Evolutesix Core Faculty
Graham Boyd
Founder & CEO Evolutesix
CEO, seriel entrepreneur, particle physicist, disruptive innovator and author of Rebuild. Graham has 15 years experience in adaptive organisation and adaptive leadership practice. He innovates and transforms business systems so as to create antifragile, regenerative businesses using his methodology. He also consults to multinationals and startups on harnessing conflict to drive their own regeneration.
Marie-Nicole Schuster
Startups Lead and facilitator
Former co-founder herself, Marie has over 15 years of leadership development experience. She has worked in various industries, with leaders and teams in NGO’s, Shipping, Pharma and Telecoms across the MENA region.
She is now committed to developing and supporting regenerative startups across the globe.Stephanie Bouju
Adaptive Way Lead and facilitator
Senior Enterprise Risk Manager in the financial industry, with decades of experience on both hard and soft sides of the finance, engineering and NGO sectors. Stephanie’s passion stems from her deep belief that all people have the potential to positively contribute to the betterment of their communities, especially once we broaden the definition and reward systems of value.
© 2023