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Flourishing Business Co-Lab
In order to help leaders and entrepreneurs design business models that integrate the governance arrangements with the organisation design, operations, and culture to enable the possibility for all involved to flourish, Evolutesix has partnered with the Flourishing Enterprise Co-lab so we can each contribute to realizing each other’s vision and mission.
The governance of an organization contributes significantly to whether the possibility for all its stakeholders to flourish is realized over time. To realize this outcome the internal and external governance must be intentionally designed with the goal of enabling the possibility for human and all other life to flourish for generations to come. Most importantly these governance arrangements must be a consequence of, and fully integrated into, the organization’s overall business model, which must also be intentionally designed with the goal of flourishing across all of life’s capitals, including human financial capital.
This outcome can only be created when all capitals and their representing stakeholders have an equitable power in governance and an equitable share of any wealth generated; when the organization itself cannot be treated as the property of any or all stakeholders; and when the losses caused by the non-ergodic dynamics of most business processes are mitigated. In addition, the organization design, operations, and culture needs to enable such flourishing business models to be executed with excellence.
But up until now designing these business models with such integrated governance arrangements has been difficult because existing business model tools and methods focus purely on the financial aspects of an organization. Further, then executing such business models with excellence is handicapped by current mainstream approaches to organization operations, and culture.
The new Flourishing Business Canvas is a visual collaboration tool used by leaders of established businesses and entrepreneurs to work with their stakeholders to design flourishing business models – socially beneficial, environmentally regenerative, and financially viable – that enable all their stakeholders to have both the possibility as well as the enabling structures and processes for flourishing. The Canvas links a summary of the internal and external governance arrangements to all the other elements of the business model.
The Canvas was tested over 10 years with 320 individuals and organizations in 47 countries including the national innovation agency of Norway and the pan-EU Climate Change Initiative. The Canvas is now available a growing number of languages for free under a creative commons license – download from https://www.FlourishingBusiness.org, learn more on our youTube channel: https://youTube.com/@FlourishingBiz
The Flourishing Enterprise Co-lab, a Canadian not-for-profit, believes business must become a key enabler for the possibility for human and all other life to flourish on this planet for generations to come. The Co-lab has a mission to build a community to bring the Flourishing Business Canvas to the world so it becomes widely used to design the business models for fit-for-the-21st Century enterprises.
© 2025