• Build the future of your organization on broadened foundations


    When complexity comes knocking, how will you answer?

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    "Evolutesix programmes allow for deep insights and transformation...for CEO's and team leaders who want more productive and content employees. Evolutesix is what the business world needs to move into a more human and social economy."




    We help ambitious leaders design future-proofed foundations for impact.


    We specialize in developing strong governance and development frameworks for multi-stakeholder companies.


    We work with you to create adaptive and regenerative organizations designed to address our biggest challenges, and built to multiply all capitals, in our ever more rapidly changing and complex world.


    Are you an investor, accelerator, startup, company, NGO, or DAO’s committed to creating positive human, social, environmental, and financial outcomes?


    We offer you the chance to do it right, from the start.

  • Our work comprehensive

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    Education, Coaching and Capability Building

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    Advisory and Collaboration

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    Business Design, Incubation, Incorporation, and Acceleration

  • Our goal is to help you build an ecosystem of Free Companies

    Composed by empowered autonomous workers, developmental purpose in work, and shared stewardship of a sovereign enterprise. Designed for prosperity and impact.

  • Building a for-purpose organization?

    Your foundation could be undermining your intent

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    Accelerate your startup to flourish 

    Build your business holistically; grow in an ecosystem; enjoy fairness and sovereignty.

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    Imagine if change could begin with a complaint

    Use complaints to become who you are. Adapt to an increasingly complex and uncertain world.


    Self-developmental sparring online.


    Observe, nudge, or talk, and grow your capacity for self-transformation.

  • Stay up to date with our online events!

    Add our events calendar to your own with just one click!

  • The Rebuild Toolkit

    Transforming the Economy, Leadership and You

    For all levels of society, from individuals to schools, communities, organisations to national governments and everything in between, the warming planet is our commons. To address the challenges we face today requires us to grow our size of person, to connect with others, and lead the shift to a free economy. Find a programme from the list below to start applying the toolkit you'll need to rebuild for wellbeing and a healthier world.

  • Regenerative foundation programme

    Regenerative Foundations

    This online programme, with optional discussion workshop afterwards, is for everyone.


    It is the foundation for entry into the Evoluter programmes for startups, and some of our advanced how-to workshops for builders of a better world.


    It covers the main concepts in the Rebuild toolkit.


    Write to us at askevolutesix@evolutesix.com to know more about our individual programs,
    business consulting services and ecosystem solutions.

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