

    We are transforming the nature of business to rebuild a fair and regenerative economy that meets all needs of life on earth.

    In response to the urgency of climate collapse, we build and invest in inherently natural ecosystems of connected companies that work together to meet the needs of all people and the planet, at least for the next 7 generations.



    Build the Startup right for you

    Evolutesix's Startup Factory is designed to build startups making the future work for all.

    Composed of our Startup University and Accelerator; followed by membership of our net positive business ecosystem.

    This ecosystem is composed of FairShares Commons companies that are stewarded and regenerate wealth across multiple capitals; human, natural, financial and social, with shared governance rights across multiple stakeholders.


    We build WHOLE, connected economic models (not disconnected business models); ecosystems of inherently regenerative startups, teams, and people; all making tomorrow's world whole by solving our biggest challenges.

  • The Rebuild Toolkit

    Transforming the Economy, Leadership and You

    For all levels of society, from individuals to schools, communities to national governments and everything in between, the warming planet is our commons. To address the challenges we face today requires us to grow our size of person, to connect with others, and lead the shift to a free economy. Find a programme from the list below to start applying the toolkit you'll need to rebuild for wellbeing and a healthier world.

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    The Rebuild Foundation Programme

    This programme is for everyone. It is the foundation for entry into the Startup Factory, and some of our advanced how-to workshops for builders of a better world. It covers all of the main concepts in the Rebuild toolkit.

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    The Adaptive Way: 
    inner and relational work to meet the size of the challenge

    Today's jobs require us to be technically adept, but also be able to navigate through complexities surrounding conflict, resource management, stakeholder tensions etc. However, if rational thinking and technical knowledge are no longer enough to excel at work and life, is it possible to grow your inner capacity to meet the size of the challenge?

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    Transition Programmes


    Whether you feel ready to quit your 9-5, or you're a new parent and wondering what you can do now to design a life for you and your children that's good for your health as well as the planet's? Find out what your options are and test drive new ideas in a safe space. After 5 weeks you may want to continue in your corporate career path or discover that you're ready to join the Startup Factory. Whatever the outcome, you'll develop the adaptive and leadership capacity you'll need to rise to your challenges and understand what your next steps will be.

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    "Evolutesix programmes allow for deep insights and transformation...for CEO's and team leaders who want more productive and content employees. Evolutesix is what the business world needs to move into a more human and social economy."


    Write to us at askevolutesix@evolutesix.com to know more about our individual programs,
    business consulting services and ecosystem solutions.

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